Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Cyclamen at Chateau de Sainte Pallaye

Yesterday at we came across an extraordinary sight.  Well it is perhaps only extraordinary if you are a gardener or flower admirer.
Our first sight from tow path near railway lone.  The smell was quite sickly and very powerful.
quote from internet:
'Château de Sainte Pallaye
It was built in the 18th century by the Lacurne brothers and is a listed building. The garden was created in
1740 by Polet, from drawings by Lenôtre. The Château is privately owned; no visits allowed. 
In spring, you can admire the carpet of wild cyclamens that adorn the castle entrance. '
(they were actually flowering in late September!)

Chateau in the background

Filling up water tanks ready to leave Vermenton

Mooring at Vermenton

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